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RS FAQ - PruTech

Rise and Shine Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is the purpose and goal of the mentoring program?

    Answer: The purpose of the Rise and Shine Diversity Empowerment Program is to empower diverse businesses through mentorship, guidance, and networking opportunities. Our goal is to create a supportive ecosystem which drives and fosters a more diverse and inclusive marketplace.

  • What is the minimum commitment required to participate?

    Answer: We understand the demands of running a business, so we've designed the program to be flexible. The program will require a minimum of approximately two (2) hours per month (over a 9-12 month period). We encourage active participation to maximize the benefits of mentorship and networking.

  • How will my diverse business benefit from the program?

    Answer: By participating in the Rise and Shine by PruTech program, your business will gain access to invaluable mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities tailored to your specific needs. These connections and support systems are designed to help your business obtain the necessary information you need to grow, succeed, and make an impact in the marketplace and drives business.

  • Can the Rise and Shine program be developed for my firm?

    Answer: Absolutely! While the mentoring resources of the Rise and Shine by PruTech program are limited to the program participants, we have designed the program to be adaptable to suit the needs and goals of multiple firms. If you are interested in implementing a similar program for your firm, please contact us. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you on your supplier diversity efforts.

  • If I am not in the IT industry, are there opportunities for my firm to participate?

    Answer: Yes, the Rise and Shine by PruTech program is open to businesses from all industries. We encourage businesses from various industries to participate and benefit from the program.

  • Is the program designed for for-profit and not-for-profit businesses?

    Answer: Yes, the program is inclusive of both for-profit and not-for-profit businesses. Our focus is on fostering diversity and inclusion across all sectors, and we welcome businesses of all types to join us in this mission.

  • Is there availability for businesses outside of your base location to join?

    Answer: Yes. The Rise and Shine by PruTech program is not limited to PruTech’s office locations. The initial program started in the United States and will continue to expand to our international locations.

  • Will there be an assigned mentor or group/cohort setting?

    Answer: Participants in the program will have access to both one-on-one mentoring as well as group networking and information sessions. We provide a variety of engagement activities to support the goals of our participants.

  • What are your criteria for selecting a firm?

    Answer: Our criteria for selecting firms to participate in the Rise and Shine by PruTech program are based on their organizational capability, potential for growth, and strategic alignment with our program goals. To be eligible to participate, we request firms with at least 2 employees, steady growth for the last 2 two years and minimum annual revenue of $50,000.

  • If I want to learn more about the program, who do I contact?

    Answer: For more information about the program, please contact our dedicated team at We're here to answer any questions you may have.

  • Will our firm participate virtually or in-person?

    Answer: We offer both virtual and in-person participation options to accommodate the needs and preferences of our participants. In-person participation at meetings and networking events is encouraged.

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